All geared-up, and ready to zip line! |
Apparently I'm weird. I went to Hawaii alone.
I guess if there's something you want to do, something want to see, you have to be willing to go it alone.
After a long winter and spring filled with cold, windy days in Dunkerque,
and potentially (or more-than-likely) a gray and wet spring/early-summer in
Portland, I needed some sunshine and some heat.
So I off I went to Maui.
View of Lanai, from my lanai. |
I've traveled solo to all corners in Europe. And never with any issue. I expected nothing different in Maui. I had been twice before, was familiar with the area, and unlike places I've visited in Europe, I could even speak the language!
The entire island of Maui is filled with gorgeous sights and thrilling adventures. I only had a few things in mind though: go to the beach, lay by the pool, go paddle boarding a time or two, and
maybe find a zip line adventure to partake in.
Sure there were other things I had in mind, but my must-do list was short.
Lahaina. |
Lahaina Town
I stayed Lahaina. Probably the most popular, most tourist-laden town on Maui. But that was fine by me.
After several weeks of searching, and dozens of websites visited, I found a fabulous oceanfront condo (that didn't break the bank either).
Every morning was spent watching the daylight come up over the Pacific during breakfast, and nearly every night, watching the most amazing sunsets over dinner. The three-hour time change to the Hawaiian time zone made early mornings and early evenings the norm. The only time awaking before the sun is easy and painless. If only it could always be like that!
I really had everything I needed and wanted at the condo's ocean side pool. During my seven days in Lahaina, most of my time was spent either there, or overlooking the pool from my lanai. I couldn't have asked for more!
The famous Banyan Tree. |
Lahaina is a great little town. The historic center is a fun area to explore: walking the shoreline, shopping, or finding a treat to spoil yourself with.
I thought May was a great time to visit. Warm, sunny weather like Hawaii is known for (yet not
too hot or humid), but not overrun with crowds like you can find during other months.
During the winter, Maui is great for whale watching. Over the course of my stay, I didn't see any whales, but when I paid close attention, sea turtles were all over the place. I could never snap a picture of them -- they must have a camera radar!
Me & my instructor, Chyna. |
Paddle Boarding
Otherwise known as Stand Up Paddle, or SUP, I had been wanting to give paddle boarding a shot for over two years.
At home, it's a common sight on Lake Oswego in the summer. And during my two seasons in Dunkerque, you'd see a brave soul bearing the cold North Sea water on a paddle board on occasion. It was constantly around me, tempting me, and I wanted to give it a shot.
I called up
Maui Wave Riders and booked myself a lesson. I was a little nervous for my lesson. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do it. Here I am, this professional basketball player, and what if I couldn't even get up on the board? I had no idea what to expect, but was determined to give it my best shot!
My instructor, Chyna, gave me a quick run-through on land of the stance, the paddle stroke, how to turn, and of course how to get up on the board. Before I knew it, I was up on the board, paddling away. She joined me on a board of her own, and off we went.
Always looking for a basketball court. Not a bad backdrop. |
I had a blast on the water. It was tough on your body -- your lower legs and your feet -- but it was also very calming. Chyna pointed out different things to be on the lookout for: ranging from eels and coral below us, to wind changing direction and how to maneuver through waves, to potential sharks off in the distance.
Paddle boarding was unlike anything I had ever done. I loved every second of my first try, so much so, that I went back out on my own a few days later.
My second time paddle boarding was a little rougher than the first. Since I had to carry the board about a quarter mile to the water, I wanted a lighter board. So I grabbed a shorter board. That turned out to make all the difference in the world. I could feel, from the second I got on all-fours to stand up, that the shorter board was much less stable. As a result, I found myself in the water a time or two (or three or four).
Hanging out by the pool. |
The first day, I didn't fall at all. The second day, no doubt, I gave passers-by a few laughs as I tumbled into the water.
Even with a few falls, I still had fun. I learned a little more, and got more comfortable on the board. Having a shorter board, coupled with rougher water, definitely required more focus on my part. But I had a blast, and am officially a SUP fan!
Zip Lining
Zip lining was the second, and last, adventure I
really wanted to do while on Maui. The weather had turned a little rainy and blustery on the island for a few days, so zip lining had fallen off my radar a bit. But with just a few days left in my vacation, and with the weather clearing back up, I found a zip line company nearby. I called up
Paradise Eco-Adventures and booked myself a last-minute zip line tour.
Just off the platform. |
The tour was atop the hillside overlooking Lahaina, so the views and scenery were amazing. Paradise Eco-Adventures is also associated with an organic farm that you tour prior to zip lining. It was interesting to hear about the farm and what they grow -- dragon fruit, pineapple, bananas, papayas and sugar cane. While the farm tour was nice, I was there to zip line!
Each person got four runs down the 450 foot long zip line (but the group I was with was given an extra run for free). I really don't do things like zip lining (in fact I remember saying that to the guy who helped us get geared up). The last time I could remember something like that was on the playground in elementary school.
Pretty awesome view from the zip line platform of the farm and the ocean. |
But zip lining was a blast. I loved it.
The first few runs, I came in
way too fast and felt like I could go flying off the end of the platform. So after adjusting my technique (from cannonball style to a 'starfish'), I felt like I had a little more control. (I have video, but haven't been able to get it to upload!)
Maui Eats & Treats
I had a whole list of Maui Eateries that I wanted to try. Unfortunately, there's only so many times you can eat in a day, so I didn't get to them all. The local places I did try, were awesome. If you go to Lahaina, the following are highly recommended:
- Aloha Mixed Plate - Great location. Great food. Great prices. 'Authentic' Hawaiian food and combo plates.
- Honu Beach Seafood & Pizza - Next door to Aloha Mixed Plate, so same great location. I'm
One of the many gorgeous sunsets. From Honu Beach. |
not sure why, but I was craving pizza. Lucky for me, there was Honu down the road. Awesome pizza, with a little asiago flavor on the crust. Prices were more expensive, but they gave me free macaroons for having to wait (like five minutes).
- Star Noodle - Off the beaten path when it comes to Lahaina because it's on the hillside that overlooks the ocean and Lahaina Town. It's an Asian fusion place that specializes in Pad Thai -- which is what I had. Good stuff!
- Shark Pit Food Truck - I had to try a local food truck, and I'm so glad I found the Shark Pit in Kaanapali. Chris, the owner/chef, cooks everything himself on-site. He has an organic farm on the hillside, and all his dishes come from his freshly-picked farm items. I had the Eggplant and Mushroom Burger on a taro bun. Delicious.
- Ono Gelato - Who knew I'd have to go to Maui to get authentic Italian Gelato!?! Believe me, this is the real deal. And I have to admit, I went here more than a couple of times. Initially, I went because I wanted to try their 'Big Island Mac Nut Crunch'. But it was sold out, and wouldn't be ready for another two hours! So I settled for a 'Maui Mokka' and Coconut swirl. Both were fantastic. Later in the week, I eventually tried the Big Island, which was great as well.
Rainbows galore on Maui. |
Maui's Spendy
Vacations are expensive. That's why they're vacations: they don't happen every day, they're special. But Maui is especially pricey.
My first day on Maui, I went to Safeway to get food for what I thought would be the week (but actually turned out to be a couple days), and walked out with $76 of nothing special. The bill on trips to the grocery store adds up much more-quickly on Maui. But I didn't want to eat out every day, as that adds up even quicker, so the grocery store was a must!
Walking into Lahaina. |
Entertainment in tourist destinations will obviously cost you a pretty penny. The list of potential adventures to go on in Maui is endless. But unless your pockets are bottomless, you have to put a limit on what you actually do.
Outside of the things I did, there's also: snorkeling, scuba diving, trips to Lanai or Molokai, sailing, jet skiing, biking Haleakala, and so on. The idea of doing everything is a good one, but you're made to put a value on the things you
really want to do.
Other random highlighs of my week in Maui:
- Runs in the humidity - I think adjusting to high-humidity is just as hard as adjusting to high-altitude runs!
- Kapalua Coastal Trail - easy, trail to hike right along the rocky coast in Kapalua. Awesome views.
Along Kapalua Coastal Trail. |
- Failed beach attempts - Every time I tried to go to the beaches north of Lahaina, I ended up turning around immediately because the weather turned bad, roughly five miles outside of Lahaina. I guess I was destined to stay in Lahaina!
- Solar eclipse - I was lucky enough to be in the only part of the world where the solar eclipse was visible on May 9th. I saw it on the reflection of a DVD.
- Sunsets - One of my favorite things about Hawaii, is that each and every day at sunset, everyone seems to stop what they're doing and take in the beautiful scene.
Zip lining! |
were a few things I wanted to do, places I wanted to see, but some places I didn't feel were okay for a woman traveling by herself to go. That's one of the downsides
of traveling solo. Watching the sunrise and biking down Haleakala, the drive to Hana, more-remote hiking, or snorkeling in a cove all would have been awesome. But I guess there's always next time!
My final day came, and it was time to leave. Always the worst day of vacation. You never want to go. But I did exactly what I set out to do, and had a blast every second I was there.
Mahalo Maui!
Lots and lots of pictures below!
Condo view. |
And at sunset. |
Looking towards Kaanapali. |
Lahaina. |
Kapalua Coastal Trail. |
Kaanapali Beach. |
Kapalua Bay. |
Dragon Fruit Farm. |
View of Lanai. |
Banana plant. |